Recommended Books

Autobiographies – Memoirs – Self Help – Fiction


GRIEF DIALOGUES –  The Book  Stories On Love and Loss               Elizabeth Coplan, Editor-in-Chief   Sixty-One Authors

A Widow’s Awakening  Maryanne Pope

Be Gentle with Me, I’m Grieving  Robin Chodak

Beneath the Surface : Grief   Susan Furniss

The Rules of Inheritance     Claire Bidwell Smith

After This:                                                                                                                    When Life Is Over, Where Do We Go?     Claire Bidwell Smith

After Visiting Friends: A Son’s Story    Michael Hainey

No Time To Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Love One     Carla Fine

Love Never Dies: A Mother’s Journey from Loss to Love              Sandy Goodman

Evan’s Earthly Adventure     Mark Holofcener

When Breath Becomes Air     Paul Kalanithi

The Rules Do Not Apply     Ariel Levy

Gaby D.  A Mother’s Journey Through Grief     Karen O’Neill

Inheritance    Dani Shapiro                                                                                    Slow Motion: A Memoir of A Life Rescued by Tragedy                       Dani Shapiro                                                            


After Issac – Avra Wing                                                                                                                                                                

My Mommy Is a Butterfly                                                                                         An Inspiring Story About the Power of Love – Michelle Beber and Illustrated by Susan Shorter


Bearing the Unbearable                                                                                        Love, Loss and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief                                          -Joanne Cacciatore, PH.D.

Shattered by Grief:  Picking up the pieces to become WHOLE again                              Claudia Coenen, CGC, MTP, FT

You Are Not Alone                                                                                                Young Adults Coping With Death Jennifer Kaplan Schreiber Ph.D.

Transcending Loss: Understanding the Lifelong Impact                          of Grief and How to Make It Meaningful                                                                                       Ashely Davis Bush, LICSW

Children Helping Children with Grief: My path to founding             The Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Their Families              Beverly J. Chappell

FatherLoss: How Sons of All Ages Come to Terms with the      Deaths of Their Dads                                                                                                                    Neil Chethik

It’s OK That You’re NOT OK: Meeting Grief and Loss                                in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand                                                     Megan Devine

Guiding Your Child Through Grief   Mary Ann Emsweiler, M.A.,M.P.S. and James P. Emswiler, M.A., M.ED

Bereaved Children And Teens: A Support Guide for Parents and Professionals  Edited by Dr. Earl A. Grollman

The Loss That Is Forever:  The Lifelong Impact of the Early Death of a Mother or a Father        Maxine Harris, PH.D.

You Are Not Alone:                                                                                                 Teens Talk About Life After the Loss of a Parent     Lynne B. Hughes, CEO & Founder, Comfort Zone Camp

Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide                                                               -Kay Redfield Jamison, M.A. PH.D.

Touched by Suicide: Hope and Healing After Loss     -Michael F. Myers, M.D. and Carla Fine

How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies     -Therese A Rando, PH.D.

But I Didn’t Say Goodbye:                                                                                        For parents and professionals helping child suicide survivors     -Barbara Rubel

Surviving Grief…And Learning To Live Again     -Catherine M. Sanders, PH.D.

Never the Same: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Parent -Donna Schuurman, PH.D.

Parental Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide     -Michelle Shreeve

Never Too Young to Know: Death in Children’s Lives                         Phyllis Rolfe Silverman

A Parent’s Guide to Raising Grieving Children     –                                Phyllis R. Silverman & Madelyn Kelly


Handbook of Social Justice in Loss And Grief –                                     Edited by Darcy L. Harris and Tashel C. Bordere

Understanding and Supporting Bereaved Children:                                  A Practical Guide for Professionals                                                                                        Andy McNIel , MA and Pamela Gabbay. EdD, FT

Adolescent Encounters with Death, Bereavement and Coping                                            David E. Balk & Charles A. Corr, Editors

Handbook of Childhood Death And Bereavement                                                                                  -Charles A. Corr & Donna M. Corr, Editors

Handbook of Adolescent Death and Bereavement                                                                        -Charles A. Corr & Donna M. Corr, Editors

Living With Grief: Children and Adolescents     -Hospice Foundation of America             Edited by Kenneth J. Doka and Amy S. Tucci

Devastating Losses: How Parents Cope With the Death of a Child to Suicide or Drugs                     –William Feigelman, John R. Jordan, John L. McIntosh, Beverly Feigelman

Grief After Suicide; Understanding the Consequences and Caring for the Survivors  Edited by John R. Jordan & John L. McIntosh

The Neglected Transition: Building A Relational Home For Children                                     Entering Foster Care      -Monique B. Mitchell

THE GROUP: Seven Widowed Fathers Reimagine Life                                                                                  -Donald L Rosenstein & Justin M. Yopp

Grief As A Family Process: A Developmental Approach to Clinical Practice                                               -Ester R. Shapiro

Strengthening Family Resilience     -Froma Walsh

Children and Grief: When a Parent Dies     -J. William Worden

Mass Trauma And Violence: Helping Families and Children Cope                                                         -Edited by Nancy Boyd Webb

Helping Bereaved Children     -Edited by Nancy Boyd Webb